Saturday, November 30, 2013

November 30, 2013 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings

    There is something to be said for tenacity. Having the fortitude to do something you either believe in, or just want to do so badly, that you jump in with both feet. There are so many people out there, (yes it could be you), that will do whatever it takes to make their dreams come true. 

    It's not magic. I've done it. I can say I'm a published author. Now, you can argue whether or not that title means as much as it did 10 years ago. Probably not. Anyone can self-publish now-a-days. And that's OK with me. I did what I set out to do. I don't write for money, nor for fame. (thank goodness). I write to entertain. Even if it's just myself. And I do entertain myself! Sitting in front of the computer, yelling at it while I read and dictate.

    I'm telling you, a very determined author died sometime in 2011 and wasn't finished writing, so they write through me, whoever they are, or were. Does that sound crazy? Well... I'm pretty sure I've said I was crazy before. I used to draw in my spare time, and I was good enough, until digital art came along. Trust me, I'm clueless about the inner working of THAT!

    As time changes you, things that were important once, are not any longer. illustrating takes time and I don't have that luxury at this point in my life. Work, work, work, and all that. It's easy to write late at night, but not so easy to see in the dark. LOL!

    OK, perhaps my sight isn't that bad. Let's just say it hasn't gotten to the point where I need to sniff butts in order to recognize friends. Anyway... Dreams. We all have them. Don't let them slip away. It might take a bit more effort, but the outcome of success is SO worth it. Now, you just need to figure out what your definition of success actually is. This is mine...

                                        Go get 'em, tiger!

Friday, November 29, 2013

November 29, 2013 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings

    I hope everyone had a pleasant Thanksgiving. I had a blast! Spending time with family is wonderful, as they are totally tuned to your sense of humor. Private jokes... Shared memories... Or, knowing what someone is thinking before they say it. What a day! And to make it even better, there was 10 hours of Mystery Science Theater 3000! I laughed so hard yesterday, my belly hurt.

    There's just something about humor that makes you feel good, right? Not everyone has the same sense of humor, so it's magical when your with people who "get you". I like simple humor. Puns... Deadpan... Highbrow/Slapstick... Wit, or Wisecracking. My flavor isn't for the faint of heart, and the sound of laughter that emanates from my mouth is loud and piercing.

Don't even bother to ask me how many times I've seen Monty
Python. I can recite some episodes word for word. (Hum... How did
I spend my time when I was young?) Of course, my fascination with the hysterical wasn't restricted to the TV. I sat next to the stereo for hours and listened to some crazy albums over and over, until I could say the routines by heart.

Yet, the funniest show I ever saw was the series staring Leslie Nielson. Airplane was a laugh a minute, but if anyone ever saw Police Squad, then you knew funny. And it was on weekly. Who wouldn't love that! Every week, they had a guest star, but they were killed in the first 30 seconds. You looked forward to it to see who was going to die!

Not many will share my sense of humor, and that's OK. I know 
I'm strange. And I've come to terms with that. When you get to my age, you realize things are what they are, and I'm not going to change. So, let me leave you with some Mitch Hedberg.


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

November 27, 2013 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings

    It's Thanksgiving eve, I sit in my favorite chair with my feet up on the ottoman, and sip my plum wine. There's nothing better than a day off in the middle of the week. What more can I ask for? 

    I love a day when there's nothing to do. I don't have to do laundry, or clean, or do dishes... It's a "watch TV and get ready to spend time with the crazy family" day. And I don't even need to travel. What could be better?

    I do need to do one thing. That's make gluten free biscuits. I hope they'll be a success. It's an interesting brand. You add a cup of cheddar cheese to it and it melts as it bakes. Sounds good to me.

     I won't be having the regular turkey. I was a vegan for 7 years, but now I let myself have a little this and that if the mood strikes me. But I've given up eating anything cooked. I'll splurge and have one biscuit tomorrow, but sushi will be on my meal menu.

    This is Thanksgiving! I look forward to tomorrow afternoon! There will be plenty of food on the table at my sister's house, but I'm panting away for the pear champagne. THAT'S gonna hit the spot! And nothing goes better with the bubbly, than CHEESECAKE! (Yes, I'll have a piece of that too).


Dessert! Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

November 26, 2013 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings

    I want to ask a question of everyone out there in the wind... I'm sure there are many of you who have written more than one book. What I want to know is while you're writing... Does the next book idea push it's way into your mind INCESSANTLY? 

    It makes me crazy! How about one idea at a time? HUM? But NO!!!!!! At least half way through my current manuscript, I must stop and jot down notes, so I don't forget what I won't be writing until months from now. Am I the only one this happens to?

Give me a break, will ya?

There's nothing I can do when this happens, except grab a pen,
or my iPhone and record my thoughts. I have found my                  
characters to be incredibly insistent! Heaven forbid I want to go    
to bed. That's not allowed, at least, not until I get the thoughts out.

I've heard of getting in touch with your inner feelings, but this
is ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, I thank my lucky stars that I don't
suffer from writers block. I can't even imagine what that would be  
like. I've gotten so used to having company inside my own head.  
It's not that bad. I've learned how to carry on a conversation 
with other people, while the individuals inside my head rap their    knuckles against my skull, trying to get my attention. I'm just an innocent bystander in my life of novel writing. Someone else is in charge. Don't ask me who, as they always change.                       
                       (Thank goodness they're friendly!)                           

Monday, November 25, 2013

November 25, 2013 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings

    Since I'm sure everyone has pre-Thanksgiving preparations later on this week, I thought I'd do the "I'm thankful for" spiel tonight. Of course, we can all be thankful for our family, as I am. Even with all our special quirks and compulsions. Like myself, for instance. I'm a germaphobe. I share NOTHING!

    Just ask my boss how often I wash my hands! I think I gave my daughter a complex for not being about to share anything with her when she was a child. If she wanted my bottle of water, I just gave it to her. Everyone thought I was so generous, but that wasn't the truth. She knows it now, and I hope she forgives my inadequacies.

    I'm tickled pink to have a job in this economy. And it's a good one, too. I just wish my expenses didn't out do my income. Nothing like living in the Hamptons! Perhaps some well-to-do homeowner could rent me their pool house? I don't need much room. In fact, I could get on quite well there, I'm sure.

    Friends? Ah, a walk down memory lane brings friends to the forefront. They are the true glue that keeps you together. (or breaks you and gets you into such trouble). At least they don't let you do something stupid alone. A real friend is right beside you in hand cuffs. Unless, they're sneaky, then you want them even closer!

    When they say, "if you have your health, you have everything", you don't know how true that can be. Try to do ANYTHING when you're not well. It's tough. When I'm sick, I'm done. Although, things beyond my control keeps me going. Now, try to function when you're illness it chronic. We can't know what's it's like to be ill everyday. And thank goodness. For those that suffer in that state daily, we need to take their inabilities into account, then help them if we can.

   Yes, my life is full. I'm sure yours is, as well. But, I'm happy just to tap away at these keys daily and nightly, making up wonderful stories that play inside my head at all times. So, I hear voices... A lot of people do, but the difference is, someone gives them meds... I'm free to carry on conversations with my invisible friends!

                                     Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

November 23, 2013 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings

     While I, in no way, believe certain content is exclusive to myself, I'm a bit perturbed at the new BBCAmerica Atlantis! I understand that with the mythical city is under water, the only way to get there is by a submersible, or submerine. That doesn't make it any easier to swallow when seen on TV. I know it's not an original concept, but, HEY! That's my idea for Book 2 of Along Temptation's Edge.

     If that isn't bad enough, they had a swirling mass of water, like a PORTAL (let's say, for instance! UGH)

              This looks incredibly familiar!(in my mind, anyway)

   So, hold on... I'm gulping my wine. I guess you could say it's my fault that I haven't published it yet. I finished it in February of 2012, but I didn't think I could afford to publish. Not after my first that I finished in July 2011. My first book cost $1500 for the whole thing. From formatting, to copyright, to ISBN #'s, and then ordering 30 copies. Of course, I just put my first book on all the ebook sites free. (Wish I knew about that 2 years ago)

                 Along Temptation's Edge - AKKADIA

   Perhaps this is fate telling me to change the workings of my second book. IDK... Right now, I'm just trying not to run around the room, screaming. The further into this show I get, the calmer I become. It's nothing like my story, thank goodness. In fact, it's kind of tacky. On the same vein as a Saturday morning children's show.

    As the fire inside me fades, I can sit back and laugh at this show, without fear any of you out there will ever link my books to this version of Atlantis. I believe I've managed to compose a wittier repartee', along with a deeper plot and story. Now, I'm off to finish editing, so I can get book 2 out there!

Friday, November 22, 2013

November 22, 2013 Insane Wine Infused Ranblings

    I am at a loss for words. OK, perhaps not, but the ones I can think of would be acronyms like WTF, and OMG! There is a crazy love affair in this country with bacon. Hey, I get it. It tastes wonderful. I've eaten it before, although, I haven't eaten it in over 10 years. Way to much fat!

     Looks good, right? Bacon seems to be popping up in everything. First in yogurt, then ice cream... I'm sorry, ice cream? Really... UGH, UGH, UGH!

     I just can't do it in my mind! I enjoy a good ice cream; chocolate, mint, pistachio, but bacon.... I'm getting the shivers. I have even seen a pizza made without dough and replaced with woven pieces of bacon.

    Good lord! What the heck are people thinking? Can't we just keep bacon on the breakfast plate? What will they think of next. I've found bacon lip gloss. BLAH!! Kiss me, I taste like I've just eaten. Oh, yeah... Now I'm turned on.
    I think bacon is special, but it's special because it had its place. You looked forward to having some. "Oooooh, it's almost Sunday, and I will have bacon!" If you can pull it out of your pocket and line your lips with it, where's the magic?
    OK, I just came across this... That's it! Stick a fork in me...
                                       I'M DONE! 

                         Well, it's used around breakfast time...

    I think I'll stick to mint flavored toothpaste, thank you very much!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

November 21, 2013 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings

       I'm a writer, for whatever that's worth. Anyone can write, yet not everyone can be a great writer. I'm not going for great. Instead, I'll settle for entertaining. If I think back to the books that interested me when I was young, I wonder how those authors accomplished what they did. "They" say to write what you know, but that meant my favorite authors needed great knowledge. Years ago there was no internet to help if you needed quick reference. What did they do? Visit a library? 

                   Travel to far away lands, or check maps?

     Writing is research. I have it easy. All I need to do is put my Toshiba in my lap, tap a few keys and voila'! I have all the information I could possibly need at my fingertips. LOVELY!

... Ouch... OK, not that easy.

   My latest project is a LOOSE historical fiction surrounding Ancient Egyptians and pre-Colombian Mayans. So, I need geographical references to both places. How the hell could I do any of that without the internet? I have no idea, but I bet if I could ask Issac Asimov or Ray Bradbury, they'd be able to tell me.

I'm perfectly happy to live in this age of technology. I need the internet. It's the only way I can travel without going anywhere, or miss work. I invite you all to travel. Use google maps! What wonders you can see! Just don't look for my house.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

November 20, 2013 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings

     Tonight I needed a really BIG glass of wine! I'm not a fan of change, but I understand that things change. What I hate is when things get harder, instead of easier. Look, I'm getting older, so things need to get easier or else!

So, a couple of deep breaths later, I decide that I'll just have to roll with the punches. I mean, my life isn't bad. I work, take care of my dogs, draw, write, interact with friends and numerous people everyday. I go to bed between 12:00 and 2:00 AM, the alarm goes off at 6:00 AM, then hit the snooze and get up whenever the mood strikes me.  
     I don't get to work until late morning. By that time, I'm wide awake. So I have to huff out a few trucks, but that's not my primary job. I make life better for your pets! How many people can say they help others every day? Ok, besides doctors, or nurses, or bartenders!
                        Yeah! Who doesn't love a bartender?!

    See? I feel better already! Now, if I only had a huge piece of chocolate cake.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November 19, 2013 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings

    I was all fired up this morning about advertising on TV, but the hours have passed and I'm not as pissed as I was. Perhaps I can discuss this issue with a tad more coherency now. 

   I have a full time job that I like, (it's the whole working thing I could do without). I'm a certified pet nutritionist. I take great pride in giving people the best advice I can for the health of their pets. If I don't know the answer to something, I spend my own time searching for a plausible answer.  

   Remember the saying, "truth in advertising"? Well, it might have existed many years ago, but don't believe ANYTHING you see on TV now. As a retail business person, I understand you need to get people interested in whatever you're offering. What's the harm in juicing it up a bit. A bit? Nothing wrong with that, but that's not how it works now-a-days.

   As a consumer, I need to be skeptical. Most pet food companies that advertise on TV are pure garbage, with Beneful being the biggest offender. Just look at the package with all those scrumptious ingredients! YUMMY... Not. Read the back and you'll see there's not real food in it at all. It's all a lie. But it gets bought out of the strength of their advertising. 

   There are a number of healthy pet foods out there, but I saw such a disturbing erroneous piece of information this morning, that I almost spit out my coffee! Does the company even know that the ad is so far south of correct? I don't know if they do, but I know, and it amazes me that it's filling the ears of unsuspecting consumers out there. 

   OK, rant over! Keep your pets safe and feed them well!

Monday, November 18, 2013

November 18, 2013 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings

     Can anyone tell me why, with all the things I have to do today, I take the time out to blog? Is it just a break in the monotony of writing, or editing? I think not. I literally have to PULL myself away from my work, so I can post this small, innocuous tid-bit of silly information. 
    Hey, I'm a veritable well of useless information. Just ask anyone that knows me. I know a little about almost everything, and what I don't know, I research. I'm big on research. Someone comes to me with a question that I have no answer for, I get that gleam in my eye! I do understand that on the web, you need to take all information with a skeptical approach. And, the truly disturbing part is, some people out there will go to Wikipedia and read it as gospel. I remember when it was a laughable source.
    Right now, there's so much out there to choose from. What's right, what's wrong? What should I read, and what should I just pass by? Who's really knows anymore. There are faux news sites that put stories up and people believe it as truth. I guess it just comes down to what moves you. People will read and believe things that they feel strongly about. I believe I can never have enough information. What do you believe?

Saturday, November 16, 2013

November 16, 2013 Insane Wine Infused Ranblings

     I'm not a Zombie fan. I won't see World War Z, and I've never watched The Walking Dead. People have told me it's a great show, but I just can't do it. I'd have to peek at the screen with my hands over my eyes. While I enjoy mystery, intrigue, and suspense, I'm not in love with horror. The movies: Saw, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, and the rest of that genre isn't for me.
    There's just something extra creepy about a thing that dies, but doesn't stay buried, or the relentless determination of a fractured mind chasing you. There has been studies that try to figure out what is the most common nightmare, we all shared, but they couldn't narrow it down. I think being chased is a BIG one. Nothing more frightening than someone coming after you, over and over again.
    So, no bad dreams for me, I'll just be sitting in front of my TV watching sci-fi, or detective shows. At least the suspense is all about using your mind to figure out who done it. That's something I can handle.

Friday, November 15, 2013

November 15, 2013 Inasne Wine Infused Ranblings

November 15, 2013

     When I was young I used to try to star gaze, but I lived in Manhattan. Yeah, think about that for a minute. For those of you who grew up in a rural area instead of a city, you just can't understand. There is so much artificial light in the city, if you look up, chances of you seeing ANY stars are slim. Thank goodness for the Planetarium. 
     I'm sure, like most children, my instant connection to the constellation Orion had a lot to do with its resemblance to a person. A human in the sky, or perhaps, someone up there watching over me. Seeing Orion always made me feel secure.The fact that he was armed didn't hurt, either. When I was 11, we moved out to the "country"; Long Island, and the world of the night sky opened up to me. There he was, in all his twinkling glory... Orion. I observed him there every time I went out at night, looking up to make sure he was watching over me.
     Now that I'm an adult, not much has changed. I still look up and see him there. So much comfort in that. As an adult, I've obsessed over the Ancient Egyptians and their entire mythology. My next book centers around the Orion and Sirius, Osiris and Isis stories. Our creationism. Could any of this be possible? I don't know, but I love to toss the ideas around. There's so much mystery in the pyramid texts, and the real purpose for the pyramids. There is so much material to work with. My fascination with the stars never gets old. Try thins at night... Look up and marvel at the wonders of the infinite. 
    OMG, Ancient Aliens is on H2, and they're investigating Orion. What are the odds?

Thursday, November 14, 2013

November 14, 2013

     I have been doing this now for only 6 days, but with all this talking about my thoughts, I feel a bit narcissistic. That's not unusual, as I'm a firm believer of my great self-importance, even if only to myself. Tonight, I'd like to toot someone else's horn. There's a new up-and-coming band out in the Hamptons; Dune Local.
    Today, they were featured in the Southampton Press, in the Arts and Living section. There are four members in the band; bassist Chris Hamilton, guitarist Austin Quinn, drummer John Loestscher, and vocalist Tristeen Caravella. 
    The group has a hard time defining their sound -- high energy alternative rock with reggae and hip-hop influences. They just signed with East Hampton based MonkMusic Records recording label, run by Cynthia Daniels, a double Grammy Award winner.
    I think they're gonna be big! They're playing out and about, and you can catch their next show if you check their Facebook page or ReverbNation. Check 'em out if you like to rock! 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November 13, 2013

     I've been an artist all of my life, but with age creeping up (slamming into) me, sometimes details allude me. While I can still do work, I require sunlight to see. Working 6 days a week kinda puts a crimp on my artwork time, so with only one day a week to draw, I usually skip it. I did illustrate the cover subjects for all 4 of my books in the ATE series, but even so, I hired a digital artist to do a MUCH better job.
     I don't know how many creative folks are out there, but there's nothing like the feeling of creation. Something that comes from you, from your genetic talent. It's something else when another person appreciates what you've birthed, for lack of a better word.
     Art appreciation is something almost everyone can experience. Collectors range in all kinds of mediums. From fine, to comic, to photography, and music, or writing. Art is all around you. Anyone can create. Take a few moments tomorrow and do something that makes you feel invincible. You'll be so happy you did. I do so, every day. Wow, after that pep talk, right now, Superman's got nothing on me!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

November 12, 2013

     I'm freezing! What the hell's going on with Mother Nature? Anyone? I believe I gushed about the warm weather in November just yesterday. I wake up this morning to the sound of rain on my bedroom windows. I said, "ugh, rain!" I thought I could sleep in a while longer, (wasn't going for a walk in the rain with the dogs), but I got up and let them out quickly. When they came back in, there were tiny ice balls on their backs. I said, "ugh, sleet!" So, I took my shower. I got out do dry off and looked out the window and almost freaked out. I said, "ugh, SNOW!"
     Needless to say, I have been in a state of depression ever since. The wind chill alone went from 26 degrees to 20 degrees. Why, oh why don't I live in Florida. My friends told me it was 80 degrees today. I could have been sunning on the Gulf coast somewhere. *Sigh*...
     I used to work outdoors. Almost 20 years. You would have thought that made me winter tough, but not so much. I know there are people in this world who absolutely love the cold weather and the snow. They ski, and ice skate, and sleigh ride, or just start a fire to keep warm, so they can still enjoy the fluffy white stuff. (That wasn't the word I was thinking of). I say, you can have it! I'm going to go wrap myself in a down comforter right now and wish for warm sunshine. I wonder if I can create a kickstarter for my travel and moving expenses?

Monday, November 11, 2013

November 11, 2013November 11, 2013

     I've been told by my boss that I think and talk about the weather much too often. I love the warm weather, the sunshine, laying by the pool or by the ocean. I realize that living in the Hamptons only allows me a very short summer season to get all is accomplished. I make a joke and tell everyone that I need to change my latitude. Why don't I move? Of course there are couple of reasons. The job market being one of them.
     I shouldn't complain. It is November after all, and Sunday and Monday were abnormally warm and pleasant. Of course, the pools are closed, and I'm sure as hell not going into the ocean. On a beautiful day off day like today, I had the pleasure of giving my two dogs a bath. Oh joy… I count my lucky stars that they are both small. It's much easier and quicker to give two small dogs a bath, then it would be to give one giant dog a bath. And there's less damage to your bathroom. 
     Unfortunately, my one dog has severe allergies in the spring and in the fall. That being said, the amount of hair that accumulated the bottom of my shower today could have stuffed a pillow. It was a miracle he still had hair left on his body after I finished toweling him off and brushing him. 
     The whole process took less than a half an hour, but it always traumatizes him. This poor dog has been sleeping the rest of the day. He woke up briefly to have dinner, but he's out like a light again. Poor thing. What does it say about our environment when so many animals, and people suffer this much from allergies? I can't help but wonder what were doing to ourselves, but that's another rant. In the meantime, I'll continue to torture my animals twice a month. I must admit to feeling a little selfish, because I've been dog free for at least five hours. For those of you that own pets, you know what that's like. I suppose I should vacuum up all this dog hair, but I'm afraid to wake him up.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Saturday, November 9, 2013
    The weekend... I'm a homebody, so I spend a lot of time on the computer with the television running in the background. I watch it with only one eye. Even so, is it too much to ask to have anything of quality to view during the weekend evenings? What's that song lyric by Bruce Springsteen? "57 channels and nothin' on". Now there's at least 570 channels, and still I find it hard to find NEW content. I realize that the entire world goes out on the weekends, but not everyone has time off to sleep in. (I did go over that yesterday). I'm a big fan of reruns, but TV now a days, runs the same shows ALL weekend long! They play it Friday night, then on Saturday, and again on Sunday. You can't possibly miss it. Of course, if you're home at night, then you get to see it 3 times. OH JOY! 
     My week night viewing pleasures usually center around serial dramas; Bones, Castle, Revolution, Hawaii Five-0, and so forth. But I do tend to enjoy anything on Discovery, H2, Science Channel, History, BBC America, and National Geographic. I never miss Ancient Aliens on H2. (That might give you all a huge incite into my gray matter). I realize nothing I say will change the way cable, or network TV does business, so this rant is just for our benefit. So, I turn the guide to my movie channels and suffer the same dilemma. Oh, well... Perhaps I should get back to my manuscript and forget the whole channel surfing thing. Step away from that remote, Nik.

Friday, November 8, 2013 
     But, I digress... Tonight, I'd like to vent about working. Yes, that's right. Something almost ALL of us have to do, daily. We get up every morning, usually to an alarm clock, then hit the snooze button numerous times, before finally shuffling out of our warm beds. Then, we head for our routines. I'm sure they vary between us, but somewhere in there is shower, breakfast, maybe children, or pets to care for, and get out of the house. Eventually you find yourself off to work. 
     Does that word mean the same thing to everyone? I know it's been said if you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life. R-E-A-L-L-Y? No matter what I do, (except write, I've found) the daily grind becomes a chore. Although, if I were paid to write, I might just give it up, as well. Not a fan of being told what and when to produce. Can you say performance issues? Sure you can. Don't get me wrong, I understand that working plays an important part in our lives, yet I resent it. I long for freedom! I long to hold my own daily destiny. I've been told I'd eventually get bored if I didn't live in the real world. I'm not so sure. My mind doesn't work the same way as other people.
​     Unfortunately, I am a product of our global dynamic consumerist society, so I must work to pay for all the things the PTB (powers that be), dictate to us that we all need. I don't NEED a lot, yet it seems I WANT a lot, just like the rest of the world. Tomorrow morning, when your alarm goes off and you're having a rough time getting out of bed, remember I'll be in that same boat. We all struggle to get up and out, and do what we do. Whatever it is. We're all in this together! So, there's your Daily Dose! Take 2 and call me in the morning. (Just not before my coffee).