November 15, 2013
When I was young I used to try to star gaze, but I lived in Manhattan. Yeah, think about that for a minute. For those of you who grew up in a rural area instead of a city, you just can't understand. There is so much artificial light in the city, if you look up, chances of you seeing ANY stars are slim. Thank goodness for the Planetarium.
I'm sure, like most children, my instant connection to the constellation Orion had a lot to do with its resemblance to a person. A human in the sky, or perhaps, someone up there watching over me. Seeing Orion always made me feel secure.The fact that he was armed didn't hurt, either. When I was 11, we moved out to the "country"; Long Island, and the world of the night sky opened up to me. There he was, in all his twinkling glory... Orion. I observed him there every time I went out at night, looking up to make sure he was watching over me.
Now that I'm an adult, not much has changed. I still look up and see him there. So much comfort in that. As an adult, I've obsessed over the Ancient Egyptians and their entire mythology. My next book centers around the Orion and Sirius, Osiris and Isis stories. Our creationism. Could any of this be possible? I don't know, but I love to toss the ideas around. There's so much mystery in the pyramid texts, and the real purpose for the pyramids. There is so much material to work with. My fascination with the stars never gets old. Try thins at night... Look up and marvel at the wonders of the infinite.
OMG, Ancient Aliens is on H2, and they're investigating Orion. What are the odds?
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