Friday, December 20, 2013

December 20, 2013 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings "You're getting Warmer!"

    Life spins back on it's axis tonight. I have made it through a day of work after the party last night. Woo... Smiles everyone! I swear, I could have spent the day staring off into space, but that wouldn't work for my boss, so I'll do that soon. 

    First I've got to get this off my chest! It's late December, in the evening...(Hum, that's a Led Zeppelin song)! And it's 46 degrees. I'm not complaining, but can we really deny Climate Change or, Global Warming, (if you're brave enough to use those 2 words together)? I think our seasons are changing. It's like the months are pushed back by 30 days. I mean, April showers don't happen anymore. In the North, we don't get the rains, until May. What's up with that?!

    It's warmer later, but that means I need to wait longer for the weather to warm up for Summer. UGH!!! I remember laying in the sun in March, when it reached 60's and above, but I don't feel the weather warming until about June, and I'm not comfortable until July. But here I sit enjoying the incredible temps of December. They say we'll be into the 60's on Sunday. Weird.

    Too bad the pool is closed. LOL! Not that I'd go in. It would have to be at least 76-80 degrees outside for that. (No. That's not my house, nor my legs). But, I've gotten off topic. Will the North become the new tropics? Will the South turn to desert? Who knows. It would be something to see, if we could extend our life passed the 70- 80 years we're given.

    Now THAT'S what I'm talking about! I'd like to live longer, as long as I can stay young, too. This getting old shit, is for the birds.

             So, as I grow older, it's time for Christmas Puns!

    And to close tonight, lets talk about pets and parasites. Fleas and ticks are still viable and can infest your pets unless the temperatures are below 32 degrees. This week brings warmer temps, so if you have stopped your Frontline or K9- Advantix, you need to apply more for the month of December. It's easier to prevent an infestation that clean one up! Trust me!

                                    OK, now I'm itchy!


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