Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 30, 2014 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings "Labels?"

    I'm sorry, but this is all too funny. I'm bowing out tonight!

    Pet info. If it rains for days, take time to play with your pets indoors. Make some room and run around the house. I'm sure your dog or cat will appreciate it. After all, it's one on one time with you!

                                              ooh! string!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

April 29, 2014 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings "Things You Can Do With Sand"

       Gotta love sand sculptures.

                                      Dragon gone wild!

                                             The Kingdom

                   Of course I had to add the Egyptian scene.

    Pet info. Did you know puppies need to go to the bathroom every 45 minutes when they're young? After they eat, or drink, after you play with them, or groom them. Get them outside to let them do their business.

                                         kitty squat

Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28, 2014 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings "DUNE LOCAL!"

    And Dune Local tore it up again at the Revolution Bar and Music Hall in Amityville for the Break Contest, last night.

            The place came apart during Lost in the Sauce.

    Pet info. Brachycephalic is a term given to dogs and cats with short, pushed in noses. As the weather gets warmer, it's harder for them to engage in heavy activity. Remember to give them plenty of rest if your going for a walk or playing in the backyard.

                                            kitty face

Saturday, April 26, 2014

April 26, 2014 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings "Animals Will Play"

    Does everyone else's dog constantly bring a ball, or a toy, expecting play time? Anubis wants me to throw whatever it is, then he brings it back, growling, but after about 3 times, he just takes it away. What's up with THAT?

                      My dog is crazy. Let's just leave it at that.

    Pet info. Play time is important part of your pets day. Take some time and interact with them. Afterward, sit with them for a time. They need your love and affection, not just food, shelter, and water.

                                             Kitty play

Friday, April 25, 2014

April 25, 2014 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings "You're Locked Out"

    I'm usually a very organized person, so much so I cultivate an OCD. When I don't follow my set routine, shit happens. Oh, yes it does! I drove to work this morning, but my boss's car was in my spot. No big deal. He had special work done and knew I wanted to take a picture, so he park where I park. Cool. I grabbed my iPhone to take some sun pictures, but left all my bags in the car.

    Now, my routine is to take everything out of the car, lock the doors and go inside, but I didn't do that. What I did was get out of the car, lock the door, but left it open, so I could reach back inside and get my bags. (Stuffed with water, lunch, my writing).

    I couldn't get a good angle, so I leaned back against my car... And BAM! The car door closed. See? The drivers door is closed. Still not thinking, I took pictures. I went back to get my stuff, but uh-oh... The car is locked. I stared at it for a few seconds thinking if there was a way to beat this. I had a second key, but it was in one of my other bags IN the car! Yes, I had to call the locksmith. All is well, and I was able to drive home at the end of the day.

    But, my boss says I need to make more keys and place them around the world, so we can get them if I do that again. I told him I've never done that before. And his response?

            "You're getting older, I'm sure you'll do it again."
                                          Thanks for that...

    Pet info. Make sure your pet has tags, or a chip just in case it gets lost. (You know, like my keys...)

Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 24, 2014 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings "Age of Ultron"

                 Tell me your not excited about this movie?

            I know it's not due out until 2015, but I can't wait.

    What is it about the Marvel Universe? I like it better than DC.

                         Not liking this pic. I'm a Vision fan.

      There, that's better. Ultron seems a tiny bit perturbed. Ripping everyone's head off. Not very nice at all!

    Pet info. I wondered if anyone was aware that it's incredibly rare for a cat to get tick born diseases. So, if you cover them with a pesticide without a tick killer, it's not as dangerous as it would be for a dog. Just remember, ticks will still get on your cat. YUCK!

                           WOW! I love this cat's markings!



Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April 23, 2014 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings "Wonderful pictures"

                            Just a bit of photographic genus.

                           Some of these are just wonderful.

                                          Eye catching!


    Pet info. Sometimes it just needs to be said. It is a good idea to dump your pets drinking water daily and serve fresh in the morning. Also, using bottled, or filter water will help pets with allergies. Tap contains contaminants. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 22, 2014 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings "Warming Up? NOT!"


SEE? That's why I need to move to Florida!

 Pet info. Most people don't realize that you can begin teaching pups as young as 7 weeks old. They will be more impressionable.

Yeah... Not so much...

Saturday, April 19, 2014

April 19, 2014 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings "Days of Easter Past"

    Been watching the trailers for X-Men, Days of Future Past. I can't wait. I'm hoping it's gonna be good. When I read the comics SOOOOOOOO many years ago, (No old jokes please), I thought it was a bleak future, but full of action. Can the studio deliver?

    I don't know. I could get all wordy, as there are things about the series I don't like, but I'm looking forward to it.

    Pet info. Make sure that your pets stay FAR away from the chocolate on Sunday. It can make them sick. Certain formulas such as baker's chocolate can actually kill a small dog. So be careful!

                                         Dessert anyone?

Friday, April 18, 2014

April 18, 2014 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings "Fabulous Art"

    Tonight's blog is all about beauty. In other words, talented people. Deviant Art. 





                     Just amazing what some people can do!

    Pet info. Dogs get dirty. No doubt. While most dogs need just a few baths a year, others need to be groomed more often. 

                                 Someone's not very happy

                                            Scared-y cat

Thursday, April 17, 2014

April 17, 2014 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings "Dog and Bear"

    Go figure? Is this even happening? I would think neither one would tolerate the other, but what do i know?

    Pet info. Taking your dogs for a walk is healthy for them and for you. get outside and enjoy some one on one time with them. 

                                         crazy cat aerobics

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

April 16, 2014 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings "Hard Copy for Along Temptation's Edge - AKKADIA"

    How can I not talk about receiving my 6 x 9 hard copy from Create Space! Nothing like seeing your book in print, holding the weight of it in your hands.

                      Along Temptation's Edge - AKKADIA

    If anyone wants a copy, it should be up on Amazon by the end of the week. Or just leave your information on my website and I'll get in touch.

    Pet info. If your pet is suffering a bit extra weight from the long winter, the best thing to do is get them more exercise. But you can help by reducing the amount of dry food they eat and substitute it with wet canned food. Try it ti'll work.

                                          Crazy cat lady?

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April 15, 2014 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings "CHOCOLATE!"

    I'll admit it. I'm a chocoholic! I can't help it. I've gone 10 days without any chocolate, or sugar, but tonight I give in.

    I picked up some unsweetened baker's chocolate and some organic raw honey. 

    I melted the bar and mixed in the honey. Yum. So, I haven't had sugar, but something much better for me. I think I can do this.

    Pet info. On a rainy day like it was today, not very many dogs want to go outdoors. Small ones can use the wee-wee pads, but big dogs probably won't use them, so you need to suit up and take them out with you. It's just a few moments out of your day.

                                            sleepy kitty