Friday, February 28, 2014

February 28, 2014 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings "Horsing Around"

    Been thinking about horses and riding lately. I used to ride daily, but I haven't since 2011. I miss it, but make no mistakes, it can be dangerous. I came across this and I can't believe the horse. 

    That was the shorter version of the gif below. I thought the horse was just lashing out for no good reason. Then I found this. Children shouldn't mess with big animals! That's gotta hurt!

    Pet info. Just a reminder to treat ALL animals with kindness, even if they hurt you. Most times, they have no idea about right from wrong.

                                                  ...and cat

Thursday, February 27, 2014

February 27, 2014 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings "Give Me A Break"

    It's been another cold spell here. I'm so ready for spring.

                               If I see more snow, I'll freak.

                                       OK, freaking...

    Pet info. Is a cat aloof or do they just not care about anything? The jury is still out on that fact.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

February 26, 2014 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings "Bad Bird"

    I'm sorry... But tonight's entertainment is "R" rated. I've never seen something so funny. 

    I can't even think about anything when I'm listening to this... LOL!!! 

    Pet info. Keep your parrot in another room besides your bed room!!! HAHAHAHA!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February 25, 2014 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings "Overflow Toilet"

    I came across the funniest video today. Any parent will just die when they hear this stuff!

    I'm sorry, but even mom laughing in the background is funny.

    Pet info for the evening. While most people believe letting their dog out in the back yard to run is exorcise, it isn't. You need a controlled experience. Taking your dog, or cat for a walk can be essential to their mental health. In the wild, the pack leader would make the pack follow him everywhere. Give it a try.

Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24, 2014 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings "Your Lordship"

    As my life gears up into overdrive, I must turn my attention to other things besides this pithy blog. I will still post every night, with just a quick chuckle. 

                                 It's good to be the king!

                                       No, not this one.

                                   And surely not this one!

    Pet info! There are many unwanted behaviors that can be reversed with the correct adjustment. Seek out a professional, but check references!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

February 22, 2014 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings "Logos and Sunshine"

    Good news, I managed to create my logo today. I would be nicer if I had a bit more skills on the computer, but I'm happy.

    It's a good enough representation of my trinity. I'll spend the rest of the night changing everything on my pages.

    I'm happy to report it was in the 50's today. The snow is melting, and we can see the ground again. I almost forgot what it looks like.

    Ah, that's right. Brown and green stuff. Right now, I'm skating across my driveway, hoping I don't fall.

                                    That's gotta hurt!

    Pet info. Just like us, pets will eat more in the winter, than in the summer. They need extra calories to keep them warm. Although they're now expending a lot of energy, being unable to enjoy a good romp outdoors, the colder temps use up their fuel. 

                                               Cold Kitty

Friday, February 21, 2014

February 21, 2014 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings "New Logo"

    I'm working on my new logo to replace the picture of my book cover. At times like this I wish I knew how to do digital art. But, it's all hand drawing for me. Ugh! I'm merging a few ideas.

    First a pyramid. I love the shape and want to feel the positive energy. Next, of course I want the impression of a book.

    I need a flow of pages. Of course, I won't have quite so many. Although, I do like this. And for my third element, I want to add a quill.

    I already know I want this one. So, perhaps by tomorrow I will be able to put all of these together. Who knows? It might come out alright.

    Pet info time! Did you know that puppies have to go to the bathroom about every 45 minutes? After they wake up, eat, play, or get groomed. If you can let them outdoors as often as possible, these's a goo chance you could have them trained in 4-6 weeks.

                                     ... And kitty

Thursday, February 20, 2014

February 20, 2014 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings "Too Much To Do!"

    Tonight's blog will be short and sweet. I have way too much to do. I've started the process of getting my book on Create Space. Woosh! I wish there were more hours in the day.

    I have my fingers in so many pies, you'd think I weigh 300 lbs. by now! Answering mails, blogs, writing, editing, reading, all in the span of 4 hours. Whip it! Whip it good!

    So, as much as I'd like to talk gibberish with you all night, it's just not an option tonight.

    Pet info tonight is a link to the dangers of chocolate.

     And of course... A kitty

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

February 19, 2014 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings "This Old House"

    At work today, I ran into the people who bought my house almost 7 years ago. I'm glad to hear they still live there and love it.

    I do miss the pool, though. I was really nice! I spent so many hours out there, either laying in the sun, or lounging in the cabana, drinking margaritas. 

    Ah... No more. Although, I do live in another house with a pool! It's nice too!

    Can't wait for summer. Look at that crystal clear water. I can almost feel the cool water against my skin. Ahhhhh...

                 Pools, water, and summer remind me of...


         Uh-hum... (clears throat) On to pet info! Researchers studying what dogs like to eat have found that the appetite of pet dogs is affected by the taste, texture and smell of the food, and also by the guardians' food preferences, their perception of their pet, and the physical environment in which the dog is eating.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 18, 2014 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings "Book Review: The Scribing Of Ishitar"

    I'd be remiss if I didn't talk about this book series I'm reading. It's called: The Scribing of Ishitar, by Carrie F Shepherd. 
                        Book #1 is, "Fall From Grace".
     It's a rethinking of the beginning of the universe and the Gods that made it happen. Familiar names of Angels and Demons straight from the Bible, along with the creation story of Adam and Eve. Although, it is mostly about the strong attachments these omniscient beings have for each other. So touching, it almost brought me to tears many times. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed it.

                        Book #2 is, "Ashes To Ashes". 

    I'm reading this one right now, so I'm not sure how it's gonna end. If you want to know where, Vampires, Elves, Gorgons, or Gargoyles were created, you need to get this book. Carrie's second installment centers around choices and consequences, and how they affect others. The true sign of a great story is when your doing other things, (like working), and you can't stop thinking about the characters. I should be thinking about my OWN book! LOL!!

    I'm just telling you to go to Amazon and look these books up. You won't be sorry. 

    Pet info. Are your animals driving you crazy by now? I know mine are. Cooped up inside without anywhere to run? Too much energy, and no way to get rid of it. I've come home every night to a house upside-down. All I can say is, play, play, play!

Monday, February 17, 2014

February 17, 2014 Insane Wine Infuse Ramblings "Ah, Money. Either You Have It, or You Don't"

    And the sun shined today! Is it a promise of better days? While the temps are still low, the bountiful sunshine fills me with hope.

    I watched it from the window. LOL! As my day off is always filled with the mundane. Cleaning, laundry, dog baths, etc.

    Everybody should own one. Life would be SO much easier. But alas, I have not the power to rise above the mortal veil. 

    Which is why I disappear into the recesses of my disturbed mind. Keeps me out of trouble. Although, I am a bit more disturbed at my new cost of creating a hard copy of my book on Amazon.

    Perhaps a friendly kickstarter? What say you friends? 

    Pet info for the evening. For those of you who live in the north, it's not quite time to begin the use of Frontline, or K9 Advantix. As soon as the temps reach over 32 degrees for 10 days, then it's time. It's just around the corner. (I hope). Perhaps someone could help you apply it.


Saturday, February 15, 2014

February 15, 2014 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings "Let the Sun Shine"

    Yet another winter snowstorm has set upon me. Good Gods! I can't take it. I'm just gonna pretend nothings happening out there.

    Thank you, I needed that! I spew words like, "KILL ME", "SHOOT ME", all day long. My shovel is cracking from OVERUSE!

    I never wanted to be anyone's BITCH, but it's looking better every day. Anyone want to take me to a warmer, tropical climate?

               It'll only take me a few minutes to pack... LOL!

    Pet info! Cats are obligate carnivores. What that means is, the need protein, without much else but water. Dry kibble is NOT waht they need. It is understandable that it's easier to feed it to them, and once they get used to it, it turns into an addiction. Can food, or raw food is truly the best. If you feed dry, try not to give them more than 1/4 cup a day.

Friday, February 14, 2014

February 14, 2014 Insane Wine Infused Ramblings "I Can't Remember What I Forgot"

    The older I get, the more I'm sure my brain is misfiring. I don't understand how things that can be a daily routine for me can be totally forgotten. And don't you blame it on the wine! I only have a little bit every night. I can't even blame it on drugs. I didn't do any when I was younger. This is just brain damage, pure and simple.

    I need something exciting to happen. I'll admit, I'm all about the habits. I do everything exactly the same way every day. Does that make me sound boring? Of course it does. Which is why I need something to shake me up every now and again.

    I need to do something wild and crazy. Yeah… But I sure as hell won't wear those pants. 

   The outfit makes the experience. Wonder how long can get away with that?! Not going butt naked...


People would surely believe I have lost my mind.

  Pet info. Did you know, if your dogs insisted on your attention and you ignored them, eventually they would shut up and go lay down? Give it a try. You'll be surprised how well it works for you. Your dogs have learned that making noise or being in your face gets them the attention they want. By ignoring them, they will learn that unwanted behavior doesn't get rewarded by your attention. Unless of course they have to go outside to go to the bathroom, then by all means let them out!

Random cat